News 18. 03. 2024 

The research into scorpion sting immunity in lambs and horses is key to curing lamb livestock that have low immunity or have fallen ill or weak. This in turn aids equivalent human ailments and diseases. The approach helps us locate which plants and geography can be beneficial for pharmaceutical cultivation.
   Traditionally, lamb meat is seen as the “cleanest meat kind” in Turkey, but the reasons why the ancient world knew that horses and sheep have the cleanest blood is a mystery that needs research into why they posses higher tannins in their blood, or how their bodies isolate it. This however doesn’t mean that a livestock of lambs don’t get sick or that horses live forever. The question remains: Can we always identify weak livestock? - and can they be ethically sold as meat?
Image by Sharath-g-1981542, pexels
ABAVAC PHARMA Turkey and OUIJA ORIENTAL MEDICINE $ are currently spearheading research on the efficacy of an ancient scorpion antitoxin which existed in the ancient world, but has found it’s way back into modern science. It is made of tannic biological extracts found in green plants globally. The antitoxin has surprisingly passed initial tests in contravening deadly scorpion poisons. There are 11 different scorpion species globally, 4 of these live in Turkey. Turkish scorpions are of the venomous Buthidae family species: Androctonus crassicauda, Leiurus quinquestriatus, Mesobuthus gibbosus and Mesobuthus eupeus.

These venomous scorpions love both lush gardens and dry rocky places and even hang out at the beach….just like you do. A fully charged scorpion sting causes 7 minutes of respiratory paralysis which can lead to death if you aren’t physically strong. These 7 minutes of respiratory paralysis can be outlived and overcome if somebody nearby is strong enough to perform first-aid mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for an impossible 7 minutes without fainting from a hyper-ventilative lack of oxygen to the brain. Most mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is meant to take only 2 minutes before the first-aid performer begins to feel faint. House pets often like to play with scorpions and can can die from a scorpion sting. Therefore it is important for us to develop antitoxins. It is wise always have a tiny compact antitoxin in your bag or purse.

Usually local bright yellow scorpions have a more lethal sting than the black scorpions, but the large size of black scorpions cannot be underestimated because of the larger bulk of their venom. The deadly red scorpion (Mesobuthus tamulus) of East India and Pakistan has the most lethal sting, killing people in just minutes if not treated. 

The blue scorpion (Rhopalurus juncerus and Heterometrus spinifer) romes in Latin America and Africa but don’t live in Turkey. 

The second largest scorpion (Gigantometrus Swammerdami Scorpionidae) are found in South America and the North American Arizona desert, while the Giant African Rock Scorpion (Hadogenes troglodytes) grow to a horrid size of 23cm and 56g and is called the Emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator) of North, Central and South Africa.

Tannic solutions are substances known to make horses and sheep more immune to scorpion sting and snake venom, compared to other animals. The high science of studying how plant based sugars turn into extremely bitter tannin gall in their blood is indeed very fascinating to the laboratories involved, especially because of the different tannins that can be used in pathology and disease-control vary according to the grade of their conversion.

Humans have hitherto consumed meat which has been both blessing and malediction in one. Human health is pivotal in the preservation of healthy livestock. But, curing livestock means being able to cure human afflictions.

Image by Icon-com-169362, pexels


The preliminary tests show, that the ancient world was very advanced in their knowledge of herbal extracts. Not all things can be cured with chemical science alone. Bio-Chemistry is the leading foundation of chemistry, therefore a the divine back-to-nature law is always welcome in Oriental medicine sociology in Turkey.




