SATAN IN THE GARDEN! Horror In Paradise

 News 19. 06. 2024

Imagine going out into the garden or snoozing in the grass of a park, when suddenly something creeps up your spine.

We're not trying to scare you, but it's that perfect holiday or honeymoon - you're escaping the grunge of the city only to meet up with horror in tropical paradise. Would you be able to tell a large non-venomous snake from a small venomous viper? Dangling lazily under palm trees in a hammock full of fluffy pompoms and tassels, - shaking that pina-colada on ice, watching hot bodies walk by, when suddenly a fuzzy tarantula home to green coconuts is attracted by the hair on your chest.   

Your Granddad always told you, "When raking grass or leaves in the garden, clear it away the same day!", because if left overnight these heaps of golden autumn leaves, straw and rotting grass may attract strange tenants. But, what of the farmer who stores straw in a barn? What of the huge parcels of grain left for a mere hour until the tractor comes trundling by? Not just snakes seek shelter in the good ole barn, - your livestock too. And what of rusty old nails or wood splinters that can cause a serious blood poisoning. Depending where you live, opening the tool box in a barn in the hot summer can present a viscous surprise. 

Your posse of friends and the kids have gone scuba diving... Even if nothing has ever happened before, go ask any Hospital in Manila about sting-ray or water cobra. So what if you wear a rubber diving suit - that's no protection at all. - Taking advice from the octopuses garden in the deep, even a tiny 50 ml bottle of black antitoxin in your hand diffused like black dye around you in the deepest blues can save you from a water cobra or any other venomous marine life, who hate the bitter taste of tannin gall acid. 

Think before you GO! Humans are often the most intelligent stupids on the planet, because we don’t always take the time to asses possible danger. Don’t be optimistic without a SAFE reason! Always have an antitoxin in your medicine cabinet!

The best things in life are free but have become a risk. - A walk in the woods, an invitation to dinner, meeting new friends and intimate relations aren’t automatically safe. As wild biological nature defends itself, so must we. The creation of affordable antitoxins that span a broad spectrum of assailants whether viral or toxic arms us with the comforting thought of “safety” that is both “easy” and “reliable”. 

