News 18. 03. 2024

From ancient India to Turkey and Greece ancient medical legends of Devi-Nagas exist about half-snake women with wondrous capabilities of curing diseases or in which a special “honey” or “love-potion” represents sciences. Even the Shesha water-pipe is called by the name of a snake called “Shesha” from Egypt. The Turkish belly-dance is related to the origins of all snake dances, from Egypt in Africa, a place that has the most dangerous snakes and the oldest Pharaonic medicines against snake poison and the satanic lie.

Belly dancing is a serpent-faqir culture surrounding a man that plays a flute, a drummer and the wiggling woman who dances before a serpent that emerges from the hiding place of a basket to wiggle with her. The stylish French curves of the serpentine form in divine designs have always amazed artisans and romantics. The mystique, the unearthly origins of seduction are famously occult.


For some odd reason all these haunting legends of serpent-like people are handed down in bardic ideas of longevity, health, power, love and ethical laws all over the globe. All these magical tales have one thing in common, - 1.) the snake woman lives in an underground cave that resembles a magic place, garden or treasury where she resides as a sleeping beauty or mysterious muse, 2.) the snake lady is beautiful, and asks a favor of loyalty so as to test those who discover her, or surprise her in her hiding place 3.) a man falls in love with her and either becomes a snake-person himself or betrays her and suffers for having done so, or is given a gift of power or wealth for having heeded her kind advice. 4.) Her magical fateful death is often by dismembering into several mysterious parts that live on to poison or condemn her enemies.

In Turkey there is an underground place found that matches all the magical criteria described from science fiction from science fact named “The Yerebatan Underground Cistern” west connecting the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul to it, - sometimes called “the sunken palace” or the “Basilica Cistern”. 

It is where giant stone heads of the mysterious Gorgone MEDUSA lay mysteriously on their heads. It is a place associated with the origins of the modern symbol of medicine itself - “the Aesculapius serpent of pharma on a pole” - a medicine known to grace every pharmacy on the globe and the US-dollar “$”. The word MEDUSA is the female counterpart of the medical word for medic in Latin, MEDUS. A Medic whether male or female may use “snake ointments” or “snake antitoxins” to cure people.


Odd as it seems, all these “fairy”-tales are deeply connected to Turkey in the story of a real person, CLEOPATRA VII, the Egyptian woman in golden serpent braids who introduced our modern Roman calendar along with the medical serpent symbol to JULIUS CAESAR in a legendary political game that led up to her disappearance.

Taking one “legendary” point at a time: 1.) she built at least two famous serpent-serapions (snake antidote hospices) in Eastern Rome (Turkey) in Izmir and Istanbul with the famous slogan “where DEATH is not permitted to enter”, 2.) ruled what many people considered the underworld of Egypt in Africa and worshiped Egyptian Serpent Science in an Underground Serapeiion Grotto in Cairo and wore a Pharaonic serpent on her forehead and the famous Egyptian Medusa Wig made of many gold-studded nagi (snake braids), 3.) she was first discovered hidden half naked in an Egyptian rug that floated into Julius Caesar’s private chamber as a birthday present, 4.) she danced belly dance before him, and revealed her true identity and made him a political offer he couldn’t refuse, 5.) Julius Caesar became the first Caesar and unified Rome into one republic imperium and on his assassination, the same unification of Rome split again into warring halves 6.) another legendary suitor (Markus Antonius) followed and got bit by the same loyalty, 7.) her alleged death via “a snake in her bosom” became speculative food for many more tales surrounding the actual snake poison that killed her. 

 Image “Cleopatra VII Reconstruction”, courtesy of OUIJA ORIENTAL MEDICINE $

The dissemination of different legends is in part because her grave was never found, which has led up to the haunting suspicion that she was indeed the “Maria Gracia Mater Incognita” (i.e. “heavenly gracious anonymous mother”) of the person in who’s name her Julian calendar was dated as counting either “before or after Christ”. Interestingly, the initials J.C. from which the phonetics for the Egyptian and Turkish name “Yessı” (J+C) come from, are taken from both Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ (Yesu). Madonna and Isis mean the same woman in all religions including Islam. Arabians always did say that Mary was merely the mother of a famous prophet, but could have never been the human mother of almighty God, Tanri or Allah, as Catholics claim.

Our modern Roman calendar starts and ends with the unfair death of her son as a famous healer, which pitted the world into many wars and tumult from the time Julius Caesar was assassinated. The often controversial Bible sites the serpent rod symbol of medicine as first being displayed by Moses in Numbers 21: 8 – 9 as connected to leaving Egypt as well, but meeting up with serpents in the desert. The medical instruction was to “look at the serpent on a pole and live”, yet not a word was spoken about the serpent antidote that was used to cure bitten Israelites. However, only the ancient serapiums in Egypt and Turkey sold the original snake antidote to match the stolen Egyptian symbol “$” behind the dollar. Not surprisingly, the ancient universal memory retains all it’s copyright.

